I have mentioned the fact that there are 6 main types of tea, but i now want to look at them in a bit more depth. to recap, the six main types of tea are Black, White, Green, Oolong, Yellow and Pu'er tea. There is over 3,000 variations of these types altogether. As all tea is made from the same plant, the difference comes from the level of oxidation. White tea is a pale yellow colour, it has a similar consistency to green tea. It is also sometimes known as China White and Fujian White. White tea is said to be an unoxidized tea as the processing is minimal and enzymes in the tea leaves are not killed. They do in fact experience slight oxidisation naturally when they are sitting out, which is more than green tea experiences. Green tea is a green colour. It is very popular due to all its health benefits including lowering your cholesterol, fighting cancer, fighting against plaque and killing mouth bacteria and many more. Green tea is also known as an unoxidized tea, sometime...
As I have previously mentioned, all types of tea originate from the same plant. This plant is called the Camellia s inensis plant. The Camellia plant can only be grown in subtropical and tropical climates. Some of the countries where it is grown include China, Indonesia, South India, Kenya and Sri Lanka. Thanks to the climate and plant suiting each other so well, tea leaves are harvested all year around. in other areas such as North East India the season is shorter, at 8 months. The leaves are picked by hand so that the healthiest and youngest leaves will be used. They are carried in a wide basket on the leaf picker's back. the leaves are weighed in bags and are then transported to the factories. Once in the factories the leaves are spread out on mats and left to dry in the sun. when dried, the leaves are rolled in machines to remove any remaining moisture. The leaves are then ready for oxidisation. these processed blacken the tea and give it the distinct taste. th...